Wednesday, September 14, 2005

tramatic events...

It's less than a week before I am scheduled to leave for berlin and I have had some very bad news. A very good friend of mine, Sarah Block/Sailor (in picture-right), got hit by a drunk driver on her way home from Portland late sunday night. She is in intensive care at Harbor View and just went in for brain surgery this morning. It has been really hard, going back and forth on thinking she is fine to 'we don't know' and I'm just keep my faith in her strength and ability to heal- to believe that she will come back to us. I'm on brake from visiting her, but I will be back there again soon. I have no idea if my plans will still go through and there is a good chance that I may push back my tickets.
I feel so tired and yet I feel like I still need to cry so much. It is so scary to have the potential of loosing someone near you and I'm just trying to stay open to what ever happens here.

Please keep her in your thoughts and I will of course send out an undate on my life and all of this when I can.

Much Love,

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