Monday, November 21, 2005

farms, performance art drag and winter

I will start with the drag... I saw an amazing show on saturday night of this group called ´Larry Peacock´who was doing performance art music drag.. out of control. Here is the link for their picture:
There were songs about cows and their milk, butt plug microphones, experimental electro lesbian music, alphablets and symphonies for trousers, and more. That said. There is also a farm in berlin next to the place I tutor english and on saturday I am taking my roommates on a feild trip to the farm to pet the goats and horses and the huge cows... the also have a store where you can buy fresh free range milk, eggs and cheese from the farm. Things like this make me very happy... makes me want to live more in the country with an earth house and chickens and yet there is the contradiction here with this big city life... two loves.

I am most likely not going to be coming back to seattle in jan. to visit anymore, but sometime later in the spring. I bit sad about this, but this next weekend I have a performance and then the next weekend is milano and then warshaw, poland. and the x-mas at X-B. more on all that later....

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