Sunday, November 13, 2005

polish families, lots of cake, bike rides to the forest and a nice dream state

Hello friends,

Things are well.. have been working tons (6 days a week) with different polish families teaching english and such... and being offered a lot of cake. Most mornings I wake up and feel out of myself and then after I dress and come into the kitchen and find some of my roommates I am reminded of how amazing my life is and I feel in such a good mood. The other floors of the house are on a different value system than me in so many ways and it feels best to be with the othe people who are artists and foreigners as well. Funny how I also don´t really have any german friends here... how the people from all over come together around their ´different-ness.´I have many thoughts on living on farms or communes and learning about how to make more things when I get back to the US... urban life here is good at the moment though and I love taking the train to work... snaking around berlin, through all the fall leaves and old buildings in the gray air.

Yesterday, catalina, courtney and I all went on a very long bike ride to the forest outside of berlin... started getting craby with getting lost and being cold, but once we got to the river and saw the amazing view, it was worth all the amaying smells of the leaves and dirt of the forest. We made out way down to the river and rode along it until we found a good place to stop for lunch. We sat on logs by the water, watching squeeky black ducks and posh people who were boarding a docked boat that served as a resteraunt. We stayed outside eating bananas, raisins, apples, carrots and sandwiches from the bakeri then going to the bathroom in the bushes, then leaving behind the people in the boat to thier food and watching of nature through glass. The bike ride back was so nice... mainly I think because we knew the way and were all bundled up, then as we came closer into town we started passing all of these amazing buildings and then the huge city centers with christmas decorations everywhere and a deep comforting cold in the air. The sky was so dark, but as we rode home I could catch glimpses of the moon through the clouds, shining bright in contrast to the sky and all the city lights.

Today I taught one of the girls I watch how to sing ´the insy weensy spider´song and the baby kept on crawling to me and then later was trying to bite her moms nose, and then I had cake and went home. Tonight I have a performance with Catalina at a local club that is having a womens sex party that tina and angie are organizing. I am still working on getting pictures posted... especially to show you my new euro hair cut! There is a chance I will be coming back to seattle for a quick visit in jan as a part of an artist residency at the university of mn... but more on that later.

kisses, elliat

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